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China controls WHO

China controls the multilateral bodies and academia to expand TCM.

China controls the multilateral bodies and academia to expand TCM. This is the final part of the three-part investigative report on Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM). In the first part, we saw that TCM is not as effective as it is advertised to be (Link). We discussed how TCM is destroying biodiversity and killing animals all over the world, especially in Africa, in the most gruesome manner, in the second part (Link). In this conclusive part, we will discuss how China controls the multilateral bodies and academia to expand TCM. China has a massive influence on the World Health Organization (WHO). People close to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) occupy prominent positions in this global health regulatory body. The non-existent relationship between Taiwan with the WHO and WHO’s support to China for the Coronavirus origin cover-up are glaring examples of the association between WHO and China.  Taiwan was barred from membership in the WHO due to political pressure from China. From 2017 to 2020, the WHO refused to allow Taiwanese delegates to attend the WHO annual assembly. Furthermore, on multiple occasions, Taiwanese journalists have been denied access to report on the assembly. In a 2020 interview, Assistant Director-General Bruce Aylward appeared to evade a question from RTHK journalist Yvonne Tong about Taiwan’s response to the pandemic and inclusion in the WHO, blaming internet connection issues. When the video call was resumed, he was asked another question about Taiwan. He reacted by suggesting that they had already discussed China and concluded the interview. WHO declared First lady of China as the WHO Goodwill Ambassador in 2011. Now let us see how China has influenced the WHO for expanding the TCM. The WHO’s relationship with China has matured extremely close, in particular during the tenure of Margaret Chan, a Chinese physician, who ran the organization from 2006 to 2017 as the Director-General of the WHO.In Beijing in November 2016, Chan gave a speech with the highest praises for China’s advancements in public health and its plans to spread traditional medicine.Chan documented a foreword to a supplement that ran in Science and was sponsored by the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Hong Kong Baptist University (Nature ran a similar paid-for supplement in 2011). Chan wrote that traditional medicines are “often seen as more accessible, more affordable, and more acceptable to people and can therefore also represent a tool to help achieve universal health coverage”. Due to the efforts of Chan, China was able to include TCM in the crucial International Classification of Diseases, ICD-11, for the first time. ICD is a highly influential document that categories and assigns codes to medical conditions. The inclusion of TCM in the ICD11 has been criticized by the scientific community around the world. The current WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also supports the TCM under the influence of China. On 18th January 2022, he tweeted that he met Huang Luqi, vice-commissioner of the Chinese National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), to “discuss the role of traditional Chinese medicine in improving people’s health”. An excerpt from the acknowledgment of “WHO traditional medicine strategy: 2014-2023” which talks highly of promoting the TCM reads: “The government of the People’s Republic of China kindly provided financial support for the development of the document.” On top of it, most of the members of the drafting committee of the WHO strategy were Chinese. The promotion of Traditional Medicines by WHO is appreciable and can be seen as a progressive step to integrate health systems around the globe. However, such a promotion with inaccurate research and without unbiased participants is doing damage. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international standard development organization comprised of representatives from the national standards organizations of associate countries. Multifarious technical committees (TC) handle the ISO standards-making process. They are the key bodies that drive the standardization and comprise experts from the national committees. Of the 26 Technical Committees of the HEALTH, MEDICINE, AND LABORATORY EQUIPMENT sector, one is a TC for Traditional Chinese Medicine.  (ISO/TC 249). China has started various Diploma, Bachelor, and Post Graduate courses of TCM in many world-renowned universities. The global universities which offer courses on TCM are as follows: The examples of the courses offered by these universities are as follows: The courses are not only offered in the universities but are now dominating the online space.Popular e-learning portals like Udemy and Coursera offer abundant courses on TCM. China’s authority over multilateral bodies and academia is the prominent reason for the expansion and growing acceptance of TCM in the world despite fatal to injurious side effects and damage to the biodiversity it incurs. Adam Dlamini compiled this report from various credible sources and original reportAdam Dlamini (Africa Analyst of Ij-reportika) Sources https://twitter.com/DrTedros/status/1483447927691427843   https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241506096 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06782-7 https://www.hotcoursesabroad.com/ https://www.coursera.org/learn/everyday-chinese-medicine https://www.educations.com/search/chinese?q=traditional%20medicine https://blog.feedspot.com/investigative_journalism_blogs/

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Economies in Shambles

The devastating hyperinflation in the post COVID world

The devastating hyperinflation in the post COVID world COVID19 has had a devastating impact on the economies of the world. Many economically fragile nations got ruined post-COVID. The world is going through an uncertain passage where hyperinflation, depreciating currencies, wars between countries, internal protests/riots and debt traps are taking the center stage. Here is a case study on how different countries of the world are faring in terms of inflation and currency depreciation in the post COVID19 world presented by our analyst David May. First, we will see the list of the countries with inflation rates soaring to over three figures. The world-affected nations are Zimbabwe 257% (Jul/22) Lebanon 210% (Jun/22) Sudan 149% (Jun/22) Syria 139% (Aug/21) Venezuela 137% (Jul/22) Causes of the crisis: Zimbabwe is stifling under climbing international debt as it begins to pay the price for borrowing heavily from China for infrastructure projects at the tail end of Robert Mugabe’s regime. Ongoing giant infrastructure projects funded by Chinese financiers include the expansion of the Hwange Thermal Station with a loan of $1.2 billion, the upgrading of Robert Mugabe International Airport, and the construction of dams. Zimbabwe owes $13.5billion to multilateral financial institutions, bilateral partners, and other creditors. Due to extreme inflation in the country post COVID19 pandemic, 61% of people in Lebanon reported challenges in accessing food and other basic needs at the end of 2021 according to the World Food Program (WFP). Causes of the crisis: One of the worst Debt to GDP ratios in the world and huge depreciation in the currency. The refugee crisis of over 1.5 million refugees from the Syrian civil war. Collapse of the Ponzi scheme led to the steady decline of the Lebanese lira. Devastating double blast at the port of Beirut on 4th August, 2020: In addition to killing more than 200 and injuring 7,000, the explosion ruined businesses and the port infrastructure, including giant wheat silos. Dependence on Ukraine for the import of wheat in the country. Sudan had the worst impact of COVID19 and geopolitical tensions since 2020.  Sudan’s inflation rate for 2019 was 50.99%. For 2020 it was 150.32%, a 99.33% increase from 2019. For 2021 it galloped to 382.82%, a massive 232.49% increase from 2020. But now in 2022, it is coming down but still is in three digits. Causes of the crisis: Military Coup and political instability has resulted in protests and economic instability in Sudan. Furthermore, Sudan’s government pursued a policy of economic liberalization that has enabled a tiny group of traders, influential people, and capitalists to regulate the majority of Sudanese commercial activity. As a result, monopolistic practices have spread in primary commodities like sugar and building materials, and a significant proportion of the import and export sectors. All this coupled with the Ukraine-Russia war leading to extreme food insecurity has led to extreme inflation in Sudan. Sudan has undertaken a huge debt from France, Austria, the United States, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and China along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Reasons : Historical civil wars, the ISIS crisis,  drought in North-Eastern Syria and increase in global commodity prices as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war has led to hyperinflation in Syria. Syria is seeking debts from China out of misery to rebound from the steady and sharp plunge in its economy since 2011, the year the civil war amplified. However, joining hands with China will come with the risk of a vicious #DebtTrap that countries like Srilanka, Zimbabwe, Djbouti, and Pakistan are already suffering from. Causes of the crisis: The crisis in Venezuela is an ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis that began in Venezuela during the presidency of Hugo Chávez and worsened during Nicolás Maduro’s presidency. It has been marked by hyperinflation, escalating starvation, disease, crime, and mortality rates, resulting in massive emigration from the country. More than 6 million refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants from Venezuela have left the country seeking food, work, and a better life. COVID19 however, exacerbated the crisis in Venezuela. Venezuelan migrants who returned to the homeland after losing their jobs abroad in the wake of the pandemic have been unable to earn wages back home. Deficiencies of fuel, electricity and clean water have flared riots and left many migrants with no option but to flee again. The country was once believed to be the most affluent in Latin America, thanks to holding the most extensive petroleum reserves in the globe. But more than a decade of plunging oil revenue and flawed administration led to the descent of the national economy, and the government has not been able to provide sufficient social services. The next group of countries whose economies are facing the heat due to the geopolitical crisis, food insecurity, debt traps, and hyperinflation in the post-COVID world are as follows Turkey 79.6% (Jul/22) Argentina 71% (Jul/22) Sri Lanka 60.8% (Jul/22) Suriname 55.6% (May/22) Iran 54% (Jul/22) The currency of Turkey has lost more than 20% of its value against the US dollar since the start of 2022. The inflation rate which was just over 8% in October 2019, reached 80% in July 2022. Other than global issues concerning all the nations, following the causes of the crisis in Turkey: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s flawed monetary policy. (like decreasing the cost of borrowing to increase the demand instead of cooling it down) Irrational hikes in the minimum wages. (A massive hike of over 50%) An all-time high External Debt reached $451.2 billion in March 2022, compared with $442.5 billion in the previous quarter. A woman displays her electricity bill during a protest against high energy prices in Turkey. Protests have erupted in various parts of Turkey to protest against the rising prices. Over hundred thousand people participated in a march for employment and fair wages and against hunger and poverty on the Plaza de Mayo in the center of Buenos Aires organized by the workers movement Unidad Piquetera (Picketers Union), as part of widespread protests across Argentina.  After the year 2020, inflation galloped past 70%. Analysts surveyed by Argentina’s central bank raised their inflation estimate for 2022 to 90.2%.  The primary…

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The Ruthless animal cruelty by the TCM proponents

The Ruthless animal cruelty by the TCM proponents Despite bold international statements from the Chinese Government on the need to protect global biodiversity, China continues to be one of the world’s top importers and consumers of trafficked wildlife. The Ruthless animal cruelty by the Traditional Chinese Medicines(TCM) is one of the glaring example of the same. A miserable Bear living in an iron cage, throughout its life, with tubes inserted in its bladder Decimated Crocodiles and Donkeys skinned alive mercilessly A dismal Rhinoceros with its horn chopped off A chained Tiger with its teeth pulled out, skin peeled off, and bones smashed and collected A ravaged Pangolin with its scales scratched off and killed most brutally. A shattered Elephant with its skin peeled and tusk plucked off. This is not an excerpt from a dark fiction novel but a reality of how TCM is wreaking havoc on wildlife and biodiversity. These animals and their parts are used in various TCM formulations. Thus, they are chained, bruised, killed, poached illegally, bred in captivity, and ravaged by the specialists of TCM to make medicines for human welfare!! This is the second article in the series of investigative reports on Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM). It is compiled by Adam Dlamini. He uncovers some of the darkest secrets on how TCM is obliterating the world’s biodiversity by asserting it as a panacea. Let’s first take a look at the various uses of these animals in the TCM formulations. Tiger bones are used to treat arthritis and joint ailments. IUCN estimates that just under 4,000 Tigers are left in the wild and classify them as endangered. Rhinoceros horn is used to treat fever and delirium. Black Rhino, Diceros bicornis, is listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List with just over 2000 left in Kenya, Tanzania, Cameroon, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Angola. Bear bile is used to treat liver ailments and headaches. Seahorses are used in TCM health tonics. Similarly, the ivory of Elephants is used for sore throats and their skin to treat ulcers and wounds. The results of scientific trials of such medicines by independent researchers however showed that they are not as effective as they are claimed to be and often result in severe and even fatal Adverse Drug Reactions. Read this in the first part of this investigative report series on TCM. The most horrifying aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicines is the TCM Farms. They are huge farms in which specific animals are kept in heart-wrenching conditions to make TCMs. There are TCM farms for various animals like bears, rhinos, crocodiles, lions, tigers, civets, bamboo rats, porcupines, and snakes.  Animals like Bears are subjected to intense pain for many years on these farms to extract bile for TCM concoctions. The extraction of bear bile from live bears causes unimaginable physical and psychological suffering and long-term health problems. They are not only present in China but gaining a strong foothold in countries like South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Kenya. More than 300 farms and wildlife parks and reserves in South Africa are believed to be breeding lions to be slaughtered for their skeletons to be used in the TCMs. In South Africa alone, 33 wild animals, including lions, cheetahs, several antelope species, giraffes, zebras, and black and white rhinos, have been reclassified as farm animals, according to Africa Geographic. This was supposedly done to expedite the process of setting up TCM farms in South Africa. The second most troubling aspect of the TCM related to biodiversity destruction is the Illegal Wildlife Trade(IWT) in African countries. TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade monitoring network, reported that 96 million individual Abalones worth nearly $900 million have been illegally poached off South Africa’s shores in the past 17 years.  Nearly all of the large sea snails were sent to China and Hong Kong. Since 2010, 50% of lion product seizures involving Mozambique were destined for China. The routes of illegal Rhino and seahorse trafficking invariably include China as the destination.  According to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2020, there is an alarming 65% decline in the population sizes of mammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles in Africa over the years. The illegal Wildlife Trade is one of the primary reasons for this decline. A report by USAID titled ‘In Plane Sight: Wildlife Trafficking in the Air Transport Sector’ analyzed global airport seizures of wildlife and wildlife products from 2009 to 2017 and came out with the data plotted on the maps above. The source of most of the illegal wildlife trade was African countries and the destination invariably was China. A recent seizure at the Hong Kong port revealed the destination of illegally poached Pangolins, the most trafficked wild animal in the world, from African Shores to China. Pangolins and other such endangered animals face the threat of extinction due to illegal poaching and trade. Cameroon, Nigeria, and Gabon emerged as the main centers of poaching and export of Pangolins, specifically the White Bellied Pangolins.  In the World Wildlife Crime Report, the UN Office for Drugs and Crime concluded that 71% of Pangolin scale seizures that took place between 2007-2018 were destined for China. The illegal Wildlife Trade at such an unprecedented scale has no other parallel in human history. China has issued a series of laws to conserve its biodiversity, including the Wild Animal Protection Law, Forest Law, Grassland Law, Animal Husbandry Law, and Law on the Quarantine of Import and Export of Animals and Plants. It has established over 10,000 Protected Natural Areas (PNAs) accounting for about 18% of China’s total land area. Effectively, it has managed to stop the exploitation of its biodiversity for the sake of TCMs and started to explore other countries for the same and the primary target of such exploitation is the African countries with vibrant biodiversity. China also conducts trials of such medicines on people of countries like Pakistan without proper precautions and often presents misleading results to boost TCM exports and acceptance.  China through illegal wildlife trade (IWT) and TCM Farms has destroyed biodiversity many folds for its financial benefits and to boost its soft power. Meanwhile, it has managed to safeguard its biodiversity. It has gained acceptance through questionable trials and dubious research, and that is ruining biodiversity even further.  The “Healthy China 2030” plan estimates that the value of the TCM market may reach 5 trillion RMB by 2030 ($737.9 billion). This huge estimate explains the magnitude to which TCMs can harm biodiversity in the years to come. This is thus an issue of injustice against which animal rights activists, animal lovers, environment enthusiasts, and conservationists should raise their voices to prevent further damage…

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Protests in China against the Bank Run

Over 450 protests in China: No coverage in mainstream media

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crackdown on religion in China

China never misses an opportunity to crack down on Religion

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HH Dalai Lama

The struggle for a free Tibet and His Highness Dalai Lama

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