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An Investigation into the Dubious Chinese Distant-Water Fishing Fleet (DWF)

The Illegal Chinese Fishing Fleet Chinese Distant Water Fishing Fleet (DWF) is deployed across every ocean. It is often found guilty of violating the domestic laws of the respective countries and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). It also indulges in targeting endangered species, falsifying licenses & documentation, espionage & reconnaissance activities, seizing territories, generating a lot of sea waste, and violating EEZs of other nations. This is a comprehensive report on illegal Chinese fishing using the DWF. China is the world’s largest producer of aquaculture and captures fisheries. According to the United Nations, China consumes around 36% of total global fish production and hauls in 15.2 million tonnes of marine life annually, a massive 20% of the world’s annual catch. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), China ranked top of the top ten global capture producers in 2020 from Marine sources. Where China’s Fleet Fished? From 2019 to 2021, China fished in Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of over 80 other countries for more than 3 million hours and spent nearly 10 million hours outside its own EEZ in the high-seas and the EEZs of other nations. Having depleted fish stocks in domestic waters, including the South China Sea, the fleets of China are now traveling further afield to meet the rising demand for seafood. Beijing says its distant water fishing fleet numbers 2,500 ships, but multiple studies claim that it is more than 18,000 boats in the world’s oceans. China’s illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing China has been ranked number one on various parameters of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU) rankings. Over 60% of its vessels are involved in IUU fishing worldwide, according to the IUU rankings report 2021. Modus Operandi Captains of Chinese DWF ships disable their transponders while engaging in illicit fishing to avoid being watched in sensitive areas. It has been observed that the automatic identification systems (AIS) aboard these ships suffer transmission pauses of at least eight hours near the EEZ of other countries. Routes of prominent Chinese fishing vessels This map depicts the fishing routes followed by some of the prominent fishing vessels of China in the world’s oceans. It can be seen that fishing is not restricted to the Chinese EEZ, but has proliferated to the EEZ of several countries in the Indian Ocean Region, Africa, South America, Russia, and Oceania. We have marked the EEZs of other countries in the above map to highlight the gross violations of the EEZs of other countries by the Chinese vessels. Read about the Trawlers and Longliners in the complete report. Chinese Activities in various parts of the world The activities of the Chinese DWF are covered elaborately in the complete report. The gist of their actions in various world regions is given below. 1. Africa 2. Asia 3. South America 4. South China Sea 5. Damage to the Environment Oceania Just off the South China Sea, countries in Oceania are seriously concerned about Chinese fishing activities, which increased proportionally with PRC’s investments in infrastructures like ports, and airports. Between 2018 and 2019, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Salomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Fiji, Cook Islands, and Samoa joined the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). In 2020, Palau intercepted and detained Chinese DWF boats illegally fishing sea cucumber in its territorial waters. Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii (under the USA) are the most developed countries in the region, and the presence of Chinese Trawlers in South Australia, Chinese Squid jiggers in New Zealand, and Long liners in Hawaii are a serious threat to their sovereignty. Read about the impact of Chinese DWF on Oceania in our comprehensive report.

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BRIDES FOR SALE: A Comprehensive Report on Asian Women Trafficking to China

There have been various reports elaborating on the human trafficking scene in China arising out of various countries and the terrible lives that victims of human trafficking are forced to live there. While human trafficking takes place in various parts of the world, there are certain factors specific to China that facilitate the thriving of this industry. Ij-reportika brings to you a report that comprehensively examines the various bride trafficking rackets run by Chinese citizens targeting women of various countries within South Asia and South East Asia. It examines the various push and pulls factors facilitating the development of this industry in China. This is an investigative report that exposes the modus operandi, routes, and individual testimonies proving the existence of established rackets. Pull Factors for Women Trafficking Push Factors for Women Trafficking Modus Operandi Trafficking-Routes Now let’s take a look at the country-wise analysis of the bride trafficking menace. Cambodia Myanmar Vietnam Laos India Pakistan Nepal Read about the other countries in the complete report. Sources:

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New exposé on the Chinese police stations around the world

Ij-Reportika published the addresses of the Chinese police stations present in various parts of the world in our report China opening Chinese Police Stations outside its territory. The report became a talking point on social media and even in the parliaments of various countries. The report was shared by various prominent media portals with a global presence. Many countries have started probes against Chinese police stations. This includes: Revelations on new jurisdictions Ij-reportika came to know that there are four jurisdictions that have set up stations in other countries. It includes Nantong, Wenzhou, Qingtian, and Fuzhou. We have published the stations set up by Fuzhou with the exact addresses in our previous report on police stations. All of them lie in mainland China close to the coast. Overseas Chinese Assistance Center There are many Overseas Chinese Assistance Centers spanning five continents that are indulged in activities of espionage, curbing dissent, and identifying the overseas Chinese who are pro-democracy supporters, other than the regular cover activity of assisting the Chinese diaspora. These are different from the Chinese Police Stations. The role is vaguely defined but the unethical activities performed by the two are similar and overlapping. Following are some of the details gathered by Ij-Reportika from the China Overseas Chinese Network.  North America   (1) Toronto Overseas Chinese Assistance Center   (2) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in San Francisco, USA   (3) Vancouver Overseas Chinese Help Center   (4) Houston Overseas Chinese Support Center   (5) Overseas Chinese Help Center in Montreal   (6) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Minnesota, USA   (7) Nebraska Overseas Chinese Aid Center   Europe   (1) Overseas Chinese Support Center in Milan, Italy   (2) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Paris, France   (3) Spanish Overseas Chinese Aid Center   (4) Overseas Chinese Help Center in Ireland   (5) Overseas Chinese Support Center in Rome, Italy   (6) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Prato, Italy   (7) Overseas Chinese Support Center in London, UK   Central and South America   (1) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Suriname   (2) Overseas Chinese Help Center in Peru   (3) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Sao Paulo, Brazil   (4) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center   (5) Chile Overseas Chinese Aid Center   (6) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Panama   (7) Argentine Overseas Chinese Aid Center   (8) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Venezuela   Africa   (1) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Angola   (2) Johannesburg Overseas Chinese Assistance Center   (3) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Nigeria   (4) Overseas Chinese Support Center in Cape Town, South Africa   (5) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Tanzania   Asia   (1) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Yangon, Myanmar   (2) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Cambodia   (3) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Kazakhstan   (4) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in the Philippines   (5) Overseas Chinese Support Center in Tokyo, Japan   (6) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Laos   (7) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Kyrgyzstan   (8) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand   (9) Korea Overseas Chinese Support Center   (10) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Mandalay, Myanmar   (11) Overseas Chinese Help Center in Sri Lanka   (12) Overseas Chinese Support Center in Nagoya, Japan   (13) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center, Hat Yai, Thailand   (14) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Ulaanbaatar   Oceania   (1) Papua New Guinea Overseas Chinese Aid Center   (2) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Australia   (3) Overseas Chinese Assistance Center in Auckland, New Zealand   (4) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Brisbane, Australia   (5) Overseas Chinese Aid Center in Fiji Addresses of some of the China Overseas Chinese Network uncovered by Ij-reportika are: The Chinese foreign ministry denies claims that officials backed by Beijing are running police operations abroad without the knowledge of host governments. It says the police contact points are in fact “overseas Chinese service centers,” manned by the diaspora community and set up to assist with administrative tasks such as the renewal of expired driver’s licenses. The exposé : Newly discovered Chinese police stations The most shocking presence of Chinese police stations can be seen in South Asia, South East Asia, South America, and a host of African countries. These have become the new hotspot of the Chinese police stations. The list of host nations spanned six continents, the countries which have Chinese Police Stations are: Africa Angola (1). The Nantong PSB operates one overseas police service center in the country. Ethiopia (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. Lesotho (1). The Fuzhou PSB operates one service center in Maseru. Madagascar (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center in Antananarivo. Mongolia (1). The Fuzhou PSB operates one service center in Ulaanbaatar. Namibia (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. Nigeria (2). The Nantong PSB operates one service center, while the Fuzhou PSB runs one in Benin City. Sudan (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. South Africa (3). The Nantong PSB operates one service center, while the Wenzhou PSB and the Fuzhou PSB each run one contact point in Johannesburg. Tanzania (1). The Qingtian PSB operates one service center in Dar es Salaam. Zambia (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. South America Argentina (2). The Wenzhou PSB and Fuzhou PSB each operate one service center in Buenos Aeries. Brazil (3). The Wenzhou PSB operates one service center, while the Qingtian PSB and the Fuzhou PSB run contact points in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo, respectively. Chile (2). The Nantong PSB operates one service center, while the Fuzhou PSB runs a contact point in Viña del Mar. Ecuador (3). The Nantong PSB operates one service center, while the Qingtian PSB and the Fuzhou PSB run respective contact points in Guayaquil and Quito. Colombia (1). The Qingtian PSB operates one service center in Bogotà. Cuba (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. Peru (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. Asia Bangladesh (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. Brunei (1). The Fuzhou PSB operates one service center in Bandar Seri Begawan. Cambodia (2). The Nantong PSB operates one service center, while the Qingtian PSB has a contact point in Phnom Penh. Israel (1). The Nantong PSB operates one service center. Japan (2). The Nantong PSB operates one service center, while the Fuzhou…

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China's three-pronged approach towards African Colonisation

Africa’s sovereignty at risk due to Chinese Police Stations, Security Firms and Military Bases

Africa’s sovereignty at risk due to Chinese Police Stations, Security Firms and Military Bases Since 2012, over 200K Chinese workers have migrated to Africa to work on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).  The number of Chinese immigrants on the continent is over 1 million. The number of Chinese companies operating in Africa is over 10,000, including over 2,000 state-owned enterprises (SOEs).  However, the Africans are paying a hefty price for this: their SOVEREIGNTY. This investigative report reveals some of the darkest secrets of African BRI and how their sovereignty is at risk. The Chinese Police Stations Ij-Reportika published a story on Chinese overseas Police stations and legal firms worldwide. The report got the attention of the world media. Many countries like the USA, Ireland, and Canada started probing these stations. “These overseas police stations have been set up to antagonize China’s adversaries. Not only this, but with the help of these police posts, the Chinese government is also influencing the elections in the respective countries. Furthermore, these stations are controlling the activities of the Overseas Chinese Diaspora and espionage cases have also been reported.” Chinese overseas Police stations report by Ij-Reportika African countries are also in the garb of similar overseas Chinese operations. The following countries have reported the presence of these police stations within their territories: S.no Country City 1 Nigeria Benin City 2 Lesotho Maseru 3 Tanzania Dar es Salaam African cities with Chinese Police Stations FUZHOU Police operates police stations in Lesotho and Nigeria and QINGTIAN Police in Tanzania. Our South Asia Analyst, Hwa-Young revealed that both Fuzhou and Qingtian are in proximity to Taiwan, and these police stations keep a tab on any activities involving Taiwan in other countries. The police stations also oversee the movement of goods like illegally traded wildlife products and smuggled African raw materials to Shipping ports of Fuzhou and Qintian from African coasts and drugs such as Fentanyl from China to Africa. The Chinese Security Firms in Africa Not only the state-run police stations, but China has also established a network of state-controlled Private Security Companies (PSCs) in Africa to supposedly safeguard the Chinese working on the BRI from attacks by the native Africans. The safety of its assets and securing sea routes, threatened by piracy along the African coasts, provided China a pretext for ‘interference’ in Africa through its PSCs. In recent times, Chinese interests in Africa have been experiencing threats due to conflicts with locals. Organized crimes such as illegal wildlife trade for Traditional Chinese Medicines have seen the involvement of Chinese nationals giving rise to conflicts. Further, BRI is misused by the PSCs to enhance their footprint in Africa. Here is a series of maps of the presence of Chinese PSCs in African countries. Military Bases As per a 2021 report of the US Department of Defence, China ‘may have considered’ military installations in 13 African countries, including Angola, Kenya, Seychelles, Namibia and Tanzania to expand its military footprint. Meanwhile, China has established a naval base in Djibouti to station a ‘Rapid Reaction Force’ for covering Africa. The base has the capacity to house 10,000 soldiers against the provision of deployment of 1000 soldiers in the Chinese-Djiboutian Agreement. In August 2021, China announced its intent to build its first naval base on the Atlantic coast at Bata in Equatorial Guinea, to look after its oil and commercial interests along West coast of Africa. If these bases are also materialized, Most of the African countries will lose their sovereignty forever!! Chinese investments in Africa and connection with the military bases According to the China-Africa Research Initiative, China has lent more than $155 billion to African governments to finance BRI projects. According to The Heritage Foundation, China has built nearly 200 government buildings in over 40 African countries, developed 70% of the continent’s 4G networks, and even built sensitive intra-governmental communications networks for 14 countries. China even fully financed the African Union (AU) headquarters in Ethiopia. In 2018, President Xi Jinping announced the creation of a $60 billion pot of Chinese money specially earmarked for development projects in Africa. Long story short: China is supplying the money that Africa badly needs with vicious long-term plans. These investments are excellent for the development of Africa but worst for its sovereignty. If Xi wants to locate a new military base on the continent, he is likely to find a host of national leaders who are more than happy to welcome him. This is where the crux of the problem lies.

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Chinese overseas police service stations

China opening Chinese Police Stations outside its territory

The spread of Chinese overseas police service stations around the world raises concerns among human rights campaigners. The Chinese government is opening illegal police posts all over the world. China claims that these posts are capable of cracking down on global and multinational crimes. These checkpoints have been opened in many countries around the world including developed countries like Canada and Ireland. According to local media reports, Fuzhou has established informal police service stations affiliated with the Public Security Bureau (PSB) across Canada. At least three of these stations are located in the Greater Toronto Area only. The presence of similar Chinese police posts has also come to the fore in Dublin, Ireland. These outposts are not only illegal but have been set up to antagonize China’s adversaries. Not only this, but with the help of these police posts, the Chinese government is also influencing the elections in the respective countries. Furthermore, these stations are controlling the activities of the Overseas Chinese Diaspora and espionage cases have also been reported. The Fuzhou police says it has already opened 30 such stations in 21 countries. Other Chinese cities and provinces also operate their own stations. The police stations are set up to help Chinese citizens living abroad file local police reports and aid in other bureaucratic processes. According to Chinese state-affiliated media, the “Police service stations” force alleged Chinese criminals to be sent back to China. The organization Safeguard Defenders claims that over 230,000 people have been sent to China through these unofficial negotiations. 110 is the emergency phone number in China, much like 911 and 112 in the US and EU respectively. The Fuzhou city police operation out of Fujian province uses the name “110 Overseas” for its campaign, while other police jurisdictions uses different names. The spread of the police stations The presence of these stations all over Europe and in Toronto (Canada) and New York (USA) has left security experts bewildered. Countries like Ukraine, France, Spain, Germany, and the UK have such arrangements for Chinese Police Stations. The leaders of most of these countries question the rise of China and its worsening human rights records on public platforms and are themselves a part of that issue. Following is a map of publicly documented Overseas Police Service Centers from FuzhouCounty and Qingtian County. In the Global South the presence of these stations can be seen in Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Nigeria, Tanzania, Lesotho, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Cambodia, Brunei and even Japan!! Details of the Police Stations Nation City Address Contact France Paris 19 Avenue De Choisy 75013, Paris France   0783316666 0783725555   France Paris 26Rue De Ballon Noisy Le Grand, Paris   698109872   Spain Madrid Calle Amor Hermoso 30 Bis, 28026 Madrid, Spain   +34646606919 +34688178178   Spain Madrid Calle Baco 7 Pbj Torrejon De Androz,  Madrid   0034-698783555   Spain Barcelona Calle Industria T9 08025, Barcelona Spain 0034+696070988   Spain Valencia Calle Pelayo 16 102 46007, Valencia,  Spain 962507368 650486098   Canada Toronto 2537 Warden Ave, Scarbourovgh On Canada M1w 2h5 64773511002   Canada Toronto 1/2 Unit, 220 Royal Crest, CT, Markham, Ontario.   6477037666   Canada Toronto 9glaceportcreshkrkham. On. L, 6c3c3 6472893333   Brazil Sao Paulo Rua Carnot Street 549, Canindé 2, Building No. 4   005511 977777190   Argentina Buenos Aires Gabriela Mistral 5452   1124649998   U.S. New York 107. E Broadway #3a New York Ny 10002   19173798023 212-966-9977   U.K. London 3rd Floor 2 The Arcade 32- 34 High Street London CR0 1YB 0044-7999319999   U.K. London 49 Watford Way, London, Nw4 3jh U.K. 02070606899   U.K. Glasgow 417 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3lg, Glasgow, U. K. 7833224886   Hungary Budapest Cserkesz Utca 37, Ungarn, Budapest 15980648361   Greece Athens Agisilaou 29-Athens-Greece 104-36 00306939330888   Lesotho Marseille Masowe 1, Maseru Area 100, Lesotho   0026656757777 +26657870887   Nigeria Benin City Yongxing Steel Co. Ltd. Ogua Community, Off Sapele Road Bypass, Pipe Line Road, Benin City, Edo. State. Nigeria   08156566666 08156658888   Uzbekistan Syr Darya Syrdaryo District, Syrdaryo City, Bunyodkor District, Teachers’ Street, 58 Juy   998999168888   Czech Republic Prague Lipova 8, Praha 2 222543589   Mongolia Ulaanbaatar No. 97g-3, Tula River Street, Factory, District 19, Han Ula District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia   99975866   Chile Vina Del Mar Von Schroeders 403, Sea Vineyard Chile 0056-999-666666   Portugal Porto Rua F Lot 12a Arvore Industrial Zone 4480/623 Vila Do Conde Porto Portugal   965625197   Portugal Madeira Island Rua Comandante Comacho Dei 5. 9350-208 Rbeira Brava   929165908   Ecuador Quito Av. Gonzalez Suarez N27-142 Quito Ecuador   0999161065   Brunie Bandar Seri Begawan Ground Floor, The Crowne Princess Complex, Lane 1, Jalan Laksama Abdul Razak, Town Seri Begawan BA1712, Brunei Darussalam   13923197181   Japan Tokyo T101-0024 Izumi Kanda, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, Japan 2-27 Machi Jumura Kaikan   0081-80-7202-8899 Netherlands Rotterdam Van Der Slysstraat 370, Rotterdam +31611333666 Ireland Dublin 27 Capel Street, Dublin, 1.Ireland   00353-0879413643 These police stations cause internal security concerns for the whole world and a threat to sovereignty of the concerned nations. National sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. A government that will not perform the role of a government forfeits the rights of a government. Richard Perle (Former United States Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs) Sources:

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The Unearthing of the global drug trafficking networks

The Unearthing of the global drug trafficking networks Several countries around the globe have waged war against global drugs trafficking networks. Most of them have the most severe punishments for drug dealing as a part of their criminal codes. It includes life imprisonment as well as death/capital punishment. On the contrary, the production, smuggling, and consumption of drugs are increasing exponentially. According to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) – World Drug Report 2022, in 2020, an estimated 284 million people (more people than the population of 190 odd countries) worldwide aged 15–64 had used a drug within the last 12 months. It corresponds to approximately 1 in every 18 or 5.6% of people in that age group and represents a 26% increase from 2010 when the estimated number of people who used drugs was 226 million and the prevalence was 5%. Seizure data suggest that trafficking is expanding to other regions outside the two main markets, North America and Europe, with increased levels of trafficking in Africa and Asia. The map highlights the significant individual Cocaine seizures in Asia and Africa in 2020-2021 (UNDOC: World Drug Report 2022). It is evident that these two are emerging as the most prominent Cocaine markets and drug network transit regions in the world. The region of South Asia, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran is called the “drug capital of the world“. According to UNODC, Afghanistan alone accounted for 84% of the world’s opium supply from 2015 to 2020, outperforming Myanmar and Laos. The major producers of drugs lie in the Golden Crescent (Iran, Pakistan & Afghanistan) and Golden Triangle (Myanmar, Thailand, Laos & Vietnam), and they drive the drug trafficking in the world.  Drug trafficking routes result from several facets like geographic proximity, logistics, profit, the economy & corruption in the country, and risk margins. This investigative report by Ij-Reportika examines the three most significant trafficking routes in the world:  The Northern Route, the Balkan Route, and the Southern Route. The Northern Route After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the anarchy in the former Soviet republics played a significant role in the expansion of the drug market. The northern drug-trafficking route, which originates in Afghanistan, usually passes through Central Asia and the former Soviet Union to connect with the vast market in Western Europe.   According to the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, drugs smuggled through the Northern Route have reported increased seizures in 2022. Tajikistan recorded a 52% rise in drug seizures during the first half of 2022, with its anti-narcotics chief expressing that trafficking had increased since the Taliban took power.  Similarly, in Kyrgyzstan, about six tons of illicit drugs were intercepted in the first six months of 2022, 60% more than in the same period in 2021. Ceaseless trafficking from Afghanistan has also been under the scanner in Russia, the target country of the Northern Route. According to official statistics, Russia has more than 448,100 regular drug users and addicts, and among young Russians, the lifetime prevalence of illicit drug use is up to 40%. Russia has one of the biggest drug cartels of the world. The Northern Route has three branches: Northeast, Central and the Northwest It is the most used of the three branches of the Northern Route and runs from Afghanistan to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and then Russia. This route is gradually gaining prominence in the drug trafficking syndicate, it goes from Afghanistan to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and then Russia. It is the least used passage and runs from Afghanistan to Turkmenistan. The Balkan Route The second is the Balkan route which has attracted drug syndicates the most. Started in 1980, today it is the world’s largest heroin trafficking route with 58% share. The Balkan route runs through the Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria from Southeast Europe to the Western European market, with an annual market value of approximately $20 billion. Following are some of the findings of the “EU Drug Markets Report 2022“: Around 1 million seizures were reported in 2020 in the European Union, with cannabis products being the most often seized. The largest increases, expressed in percentage terms, observed in the number of seizures between 2010 and 2020 were for MDMA (+129 %) and methamphetamine (+107 %), while the number of herbal cannabis seizures moderately increased (+19 %). In 2020, EU Member States reported 86,000 seizures of cannabis resin amounting to 584 tonnes (464 tonnes in 2019) and 2,40,000 seizures of herbal cannabis amounting to 155 tonnes (130 tonnes in 2019). Additionally, Turkey reported 8,300 seizures of cannabis resin amounting to 37.5 tonnes and 46,900 seizures of herbal cannabis amounting to 56.3 tonnes. Drug supply offences remain at higher levels than in 2010 for all drugs except heroin. Most of this increase was due to the increased activity on the Balkan Route post the COVID19 pandemic. Balkan Route is the main driver of drugs in EU and it takes three different branches to do so : Northern, Western & Southern. The Northern Branch crosses the Eastern Balkans, Bulgaria & Romania and then heads north into Western & Central Europe. Through the western branch, the drug passes through the Western Balkans through North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina & Croatia before reaching the European market. The southern branch passes through Greece and then Italy to enter the Schengen area of ​​Europe. Many smugglers try to circumvent the Balkan route by smuggling to the global market through Africa. Iran is invariably the first stop for 31% of opium traffic on the Balkan Route. The Southern Route The Southern Route offers significant advantages over the other major smuggling routes since most of it is seaborne (shipping).  It supplies narcotics to most countries globally, starting from Pakistan and Iran, using the Makran coast to enter the Arabian Peninsula, UAE, Kuwait, the Gulf of Oman, and the Persian Gulf. Its route also goes north from the Red Sea to enter the markets of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The UAE is a noteworthy smuggling country in the Middle East and the Gulf. The traffickers commonly use the free trade junction of Sharjah Port and Dubai’s Mina Rashid & Jebel Ali Ports. They use ships from Pakistan to transport drug shipments to the Gulf, which are out of radar range. The next significant region of the southern route is South Asia. India is a hub of business and a lucrative market in this region. India is a significant producer of acetic anhydride (AA) which is a chemical…

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Forged Gender Reports or Finland’s Hidden Misogyny?

Forged Gender Reports or Finland’s Hidden Misogyny? The world was divided in its opinion of Finland’s sitting Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s party photographs which took the internet by a storm a few weeks ago. A video of her got viral where she was seen drinking and dancing at a private party held in her official residence. She was widely criticized by one section of the society for indulging in behavior considered inappropriate for a public figure, particularly a Prime minister, while another section vehemently supported her right to have a private life and to enjoy with her friends in a manner than does not influence her work. The fact that a discussion such as this is taking place with regard to behavior considered appropriate for a woman, raises questions on Finland’s otherwise immaculate image as a feminist haven. Finland has always been seen as a country that sets the trend for women rights. As early as 1906, it was the first country to extend voting rights to its female population, going as far as allowing them to contest elections, as long as they are not economically dependent on anyone else, a rule that was gender-neutral and applied to everyone. During the winter war, Finland’s military conflict with Russia (1939-1940), women entered the work force in large numbers to help pay of its massive war debts to Russia and they have not looked back since. Year-on-year, Finland is amongst the top scorers in various internationally published gender reports and indices. It ranks 5th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. This year, Finland ranked second in the World Economic Forum published Global Gender Gap Report 2022. According to the report, it was the first in the world in educational attainment, second in political empowerment. Quite ironically, Prime Minister Sanna Marin in a speech to the UN in 2020 famously said, “Finland was the first country in the world to grant women full political rights, both the right to vote and the right to run for office”, giving her own example as the youngest woman head of government ever. Little did she know that she was soon to be the victim of Finland’s hidden but persistent misogyny that might be masked but is not eradicated as the country would have the world believe! These textbook examples that recommend Finland as a feminist country might not seem so convincing once one begins to scratch below the surface and analyze how lives remain largely gendered in both public and private spheres. In the work sphere, there still exists a segregation of fields considered to be either masculine or feminine. Even within fields that are considered to gender-balanced, there is witnessed considerable pay gap between men and women. According to the government’s own statistics, in all main levels of education, be it upper-level comprehensive to doctorate level, ‘the median pay of men exceeds the median pay of women by around 10 to 30 per cent’. The primary reason for this lower pay is linked to the fact that men and women complete their education in different fields, as discussed above. Other factors influencing this pay pattern are the lengths of careers, or the extra compensation given for overtime related to working hours. ‘Violence against women: an EU-wide survey’ conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2015) reported that Finland is the second-most violent country in Europe. The range of partner violence against women in Finland stood as high as 30-32% in 2015. It also falls in the category of countries with high rate of sexual and cyber harassment. During the #MeToo trend, there were a string of accusations that came from the country, confirming the normalization of violence and harassment against women in the Finnish society.  According to a conference conducted by the government of Finland in 2019, it accepted the presence of ‘rigid gender-related conceptions, stereotypes, in all spheres of society, including working life, politics and the media’. These stereotypes are inherent within the Finnish society, coming out of deeply rooted attitudes, values, norms and prejudices. It quoted the Finnish Gender Equality Barometer 2017 that asserted that only half of the Finns were of the opinion that gender was irrelevant to the field of politics that is being addressed. These stereotypes invariably affect all aspects of life, be it job recruitment, education, or media. Gender issues within Finland also share a complimentary relation with other intersectionality including sexual orientation and ethnicity, creating a social environment that is non-inclusive. Finland is without doubt one of the better placed countries in terms of gender equality and providing a good life for women. The question is whether we want to be satisfied with ‘better’, and do we demand a world that is truly equal. At a time when the actions of a woman Prime Minister are so easily judged for misogynist reasons, what hope can one have for the common women citizens of Finland? Sources: https://www.weforum.org/reports/global-gender-gap-report-2022/ https://eige.europa.eu/gender-equality-index/2020/country/FI https://www.stat.fi/til/pra/2020/pra_2020_2021-10-11_tie_001_en.html https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2014-vaw-survey-main-results-apr14_en.pdf

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Zhejiang Protests

Again a protest and again a suppression in China

Chinese customers opened accounts at six rural banks in Henan and neighboring Anhui province that offered higher interest rates in large numbers. They later found they could not withdraw their funds after media reports that the head of the banks’ parent company was on the run and wanted for financial crimes. There were several protests in the region due to this, especially in the Henan province. On the 2nd of September, 2022, protests erupted again in China when the Zhejiang depositors realized that their life savings are stolen by the bank. When they tried to protest at the bank, SWAT police smashed them down, according to various locals. The people were forcefully dispersed, and the protest was crushed without any justice when they were sitting outside the Nanjing Bank in protest. Soon after this, there was another city, another protest, and another crackdown in China. It was the turn of Wuhan where people protested against the misery they were facing due to the never-ending lockdowns and strict restrictions on their movement. Thousands of people gathered and tried to raise their voices in the night. The result was more or less the same as in Zhejiang. The police forces came and brutally smashed people to disperse them There were not the first instances of suppression of protest in China. There have been over 450 protests this year that we have covered in our detailed investigative report. Source: https://twitter.com/Byron_Wan https://twitter.com/songpinganq/status/1566107568136912897 https://twitter.com/Inty/status/1565550544067760128

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