Most important women’s emancipation movement against radicalism in Iran

The death of Mahsa Amini on September 16 sparked the largest protests in years in Iran, which have since erupted. The nation’s morality police had detained the 22-year-old for not donning her hijab properly and wearing skinny jeans, which are charged with enforcing stringent standards about dress and behavior. Amini’s family claims that she was beaten and had many blows to the head. Police and the administration have refuted the allegations, saying she died of an “underlying condition.” Protesters reject this official narrative, and demonstrations are still taking place nationwide. Iranians of different ages, ethnicities, and gender identities have participated in the protests, although young people have been the majority among those who have turned to the streets. “women started this wave of protest, But, everyone else joined.  Women and men are shoulder-to-shoulder. All of Iran is united.For the first time in the history of Iran since the Islamic Revolution, there is this unique unity between the ethnicities. Everyone is chanting the same slogan. Their demand is the same.”  Ramyar Hassani, spokeswoman for the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, People used all the means to protest According to Hassani, nearly all “peaceful, non-violent” protest tactics have been used in Iran. Women have burned their hijabs during enormous street protests that have taken place in all of Iran’s main cities and numerous small towns, frequently while dancing at the same time. Others have even had their hair chopped off. Schools, universities, and the country’s crucial oil industry have all reported strikes, and businesses have frequently closed their doors. On November 21, the Iranian football team declined to play its national anthem during the World Cup in Qatar, and supporters have screamed anti-regime chants outside of stadiums. In Iran, violent skirmishes have occasionally broken out, and protesters have set security force headquarters on fire. The attempts to crackdown Hassani claims that security forces have been suppressing protesters “quite severely” since the beginning, particularly in regions where there are ethnic minorities, such as Kurdistan and Balochistan. People have been shot for blowing their horns in support of demonstrators, and a large number of journalists (including those who broke the news of Amini’s death), attorneys, celebrities, athletes, and members of civil society have been imprisoned. According to the US-based Iran Human Rights Activists News Agency, at least 458 people have died and several hundred have been injured as of December. This number includes 63 children. There have been more than 18,000 detentions. But given how much gets unreported, these numbers could perhaps be far higher. According to the Iranian authorities, more than 60 members of the security forces have been killed. To disperse protesters in Kurdish areas, troops, heavy weapons, and military vehicles have been sent there. Here, Hassani alleges that murders were committed without regard for the victim, and he adds that detainees were housed in warehouses as jails overflowed. Although there is no proof, the administration has accused other nations like Israel and the US, which it refers to as the “Great Satan,” of inciting unrest. In November, Iran’s top court demanded that the “main elements of the riots” receive severe penalties, urging people to “avoid showing unnecessary sympathy” at this time. France and Germany strongly condemned the execution of the first protester by the Iranian authorities in December for alleged “corruption on earth,” or efsad-fil-arz. We anticipate more executions. The deep-rooted cause of the protests The Islamic policies of the government, particularly those pertaining to dress code, have stoked deep-seated resentment in Iran. There were protests even when the hijab (headscarf) became required in 1983; discontent has persisted ever since. According to Roulla, an Iranian political activist and researcher who requested anonymity for security reasons, frustrations have gotten worse since hardliner Ebrahim Raisi took office in 2021 and stepped up regulation of women’s attire. Protests, however, also focus on the shortcomings of reform. Iranian human rights attorney Shadi Shar claims that for many years, Iranians greatly bet on the notion that things would improve as promised by reformist politicians. “But nothing took place… The Islamic Republic itself needs to fall, is the message that is now loud and plain.“ Former presidents Hassan Rouhani and Mohammad Khatami tried to bring Iran closer to the West, lessen social restrictions and bring more democratic freedoms, though these efforts largely failed. Making matters worse Inequality has increased while Iran’s economy has fallen apart in recent years. Hassani claims that while ordinary Iranians see no future, “young people on the streets watch the sons and daughters of those in power having a comfortable existence as their parents rob the people’s riches.” International sanctions were imposed on Iran after then-US President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, which was designed to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon. Iran’s currency fell precipitously as a result, with ordinary Iranians bearing the brunt of these economic blows. Why these protests are different The protests of today, which are larger and more widespread than those of 2019, stand out because practically all facets of society have come together to support them. As opposed to the “middle-class issues” of vote manipulation that dominated unrest in 2009, according to Roulla, lower segments of society protested fuel price increases in 2019. He says Amini was an “average girl,” which is the “basic explanation” of why there is more harmony now. She wasn’t an activist, nor was she from a large city. It’s a lot simpler to empathize with that because she was murdered after being kidnapped from her family. The Iran Revolution is in full swing. Ij-Reportika will cover all its facets even though the Iran regime has ordered several gags on the publication of the truth.

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Iranian Revolution 2022

Two associates of Iran’s security forces have been killed in continuing Iranian revolution against the regime

Videos on social media show students and schoolgirls joining the demonstrations across the country. Dozens of protesters have been killed since the unrest began last month following the death of a young woman in custody. Mahsa Amini was detained in Tehran by the morality police for allegedly not covering her hair properly. The 22-year-old Iranian Kurd died in custody on 16 September, three days after her arrest. One member of the Basij paramilitary militia was “killed by rioters with a gunshot” at one of the protest sites in Tehran, according to Basij News, the official website run by the Basij organization. A member of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) was also killed on Saturday during protests in Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan province, according to an Iranian media report. At least 20 members of the IRGC, Basij, and police forces have been killed over the past three weeks of protests, the media say. Protests over the weekend were reported across the country, including Tehran and Sanandaj. Videos shared on social media appeared to show Iran’s security services entering schools and universities on Sunday. In similar protests in a number of other cities, demonstrators hurled Molotov cocktails at mosques, Basij centers, and imams’ offices, the agency said. Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for tough measures against anyone responsible for cracking down on the protests. She described those who “beat up women and girls on the street” as being on the wrong side of history and said she would ensure the EU imposed entry bans on individuals responsible and froze their assets. In Norway, the Iran Human Rights group said 185 people had been killed since the unrest began, including 19 children. “The highest number of killings occurred in Sistan and Baluchistan province with half the recorded number,” it said on Saturday. Separately on Saturday evening, state television was hacked by opponents of the government. Pictures of the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei with a target on his head appeared in a news bulletin, together with captions calling on people to join the protests. Also on Saturday, female students at al-Zahra University Tehran were reported to have chanted “get lost” during a visit there by President Ebrahim Raisi. Sources: https://twitter.com/NasimiShabnam/status/1579048815763419138 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63191717

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Iran hurls attack on Iraq

Infuriated with Mahsa Amini protests Iran raids Kurdish in Iraq

Iran has hurled missiles and drone strikes across the border into Iraq’s Kurdistan region – killing nine people. The raid comes after the Iranian regime accused Kurdish militias there of stoking turmoil that has rocked the Islamic republic. Dozens of protestors have been killed in demonstrations following the death of Masha Amini, who was killed after being violently apprehended in Tehran for breaching Iran’s strict rules on the hijab. Protests were held for the twelfth night in a row yesterday, despite internet restrictions designed to stop gatherings and contain images of the unrest from being published.Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps accused Iraq-based Kurdish groups of ‘attacking and infiltrating Iran from the northwest of the country to sow insecurity and riots and spread unrest’. According to Iraqi Kurdistan authorities, “A barrage of missiles and drones killed 9 and wounded 32“. A senior Kurdish official told our associate AFP that there were ‘civilians among the casualties’. In Baghdad, Iraq’s federal government summoned the Iranian ambassador over the strikes, while the UN mission in Iraq condemned the attack, saying, “rocket diplomacy is a reckless act with devastating consequences”. The United States said it ‘strongly condemns’ Iran’s deadly strikes in Iraqi Kurdistan and warned against further attacks. ‘We stand with the people and government of Iraq in the face of these brazen attacks on their sovereignty,’ State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, called on Iran’s hardline President Ebrahim Raisi not to use disproportionate force against protesters. Amini had been visiting Tehran with her family on September 12 when she encountered Iran’s notorious ‘Guidance Patrol’ – widely referred to as the morality police – and died after a violent blow to the head. The woman was arrested along with her brother and female relatives after leaving an underground station despite being ‘dressed normally’, one of Amini’s cousins said. ‘The police officer told (her brother), ”We are going to take her in, instill the rules in her and teach her how to wear the hijab and how to dress” Amini’s cousin “Woman, Life, Freedom!” has been the rallying cry in the protests since Amini’s death as women have burned their headscarves in bonfires or symbolically cut off their hair, cheered on by crowds. But Iranian riot police have been deployed in their droves to force protestors to abate.  One clip obtained and shared by Radio Farda – a US-funded Persian station based in Prague – showed officers in black body armor shooting up at apartment windows in Tehran’s Ekbatan Town, one of the dozens of places demonstrations have erupted. “We are increasingly concerned about reports of rising fatalities, including women and children, related to the protests,” the UN chief’s spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. Fars news agency said Tuesday that around 60′ people had been killed since Amini’s death on September 16, up from the official toll of 41 authorities reported on Saturday. But the Oslo-based group Iran Human Rights said the crackdown has killed at least 76 people. More than 1,200 arrests, mostly of activists, lawyers, and journalists, have been made by Iranian police since the protests began, according to authorities, after Iranian judiciary chief, Gholam hossein Mohseni Ejei stressed ‘the need for decisive action without leniency’ against any who are seen to be instigating protests. Attempts by the Iranian authorities to limit the protests have drawn condemnation from around the world. Tensions with Western powers have grown this week, with Germany summoning the Iranian ambassador, Canada announcing sanctions, and Tehran calling in the British and Norwegian envoys. The condition of women in Iran has been miserable due to draconian Hijab Rules and cruel Hijab Police. Spain on Wednesday summoned the Iranian ambassador to express its “objection to the repression of the protests and the violation of women’s rights”. Meanwhile, the son of Iran’s late shah hailed the protests as a landmark revolution by women and urged the world to add even more pressure on the current clerical leadership. Reza Pahlavi, whose father was toppled in the Islamic Revolution of 1979, called for greater preparation for a future Iranian system that is secular and democratic. Other governments must stand with these courageous protesters and hold Iranian officials to account for their abuses US think-tank Freedom House

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