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How would you rate the differences in political and social freedoms between your home country and the USA?

Download Complete Report: Click Here Much Greater in the USA China: 51% indicated that political and social freedoms are much greater in the USA. They cited the presence of censorship, surveillance, and the social credit system in China, which restricts freedom of speech and expression. Additionally, they appreciated the political freedoms enjoyed in the USA, such as the right to vote, freedom of speech, and access to diverse sources of information. India: 10% believed that political and social freedoms are much greater in the USA. They cited factors such as the prevalent caste system, discrimination, lesser women’s rights, and rising violence against women in India. They also raised concerns about the integrity of elections and LGBT rights in India. South Korea: 9% emphasized the broader freedoms in the USA, highlighting more extensive freedom of speech, robust protection of individual rights, and a more open media environment compared to South Korea. Somewhat Greater in the USA China: 31% acknowledged that political and social freedoms are somewhat greater in the USA. They highlighted the democratic system allowing for diverse opinions without fear of reprisal and concerns about the non-cooperative nature of law enforcement in China. South Korea: 16% noted that while both countries enjoy considerable freedoms, the USA offers slightly more leeway in terms of social movements, freedom of expression, and a less hierarchical societal structure. India: 14% felt that political and social freedoms are somewhat greater in the USA. They mentioned issues such as the slow pace of police and judicial systems in India, fear of these systems, and corruption leading to inequality. About the Same in Both Countries South Korea: 42% felt that political and social freedoms are quite comparable. Both countries have strong democratic institutions, vibrant civil societies, and legal frameworks that protect individual freedoms. India: 35% believed that political and social freedoms are about the same in both countries. They emphasized the democratic principles upheld by both nations and the protection of individual freedoms. China: 12% viewed political and social freedoms as about the same in both countries. They noted that control is effectively in the hands of the rich and powerful in both, with differences in political transparency and accountability. Somewhat Greater in Home Country South Korea: 20% found South Korea to have somewhat greater freedoms, appreciating the high degree of social cohesion, community-focused values, and societal respect for education and public order. India: 18% perceived that political and social freedoms are somewhat greater in India. They highlighted initiatives such as reservations for government jobs and electoral seats aimed at uplifting the downtrodden and poor in India. China: 5% believed that political and social freedoms are somewhat greater in China. They pointed to rapid economic development facilitated by the one-party rule of the Communist Party of China (CPC) as evidence of political stability and progress. Much Greater in Home Country India: 23% believed that political and social freedoms are much greater in India. They pointed to various schemes targeting women and the downtrodden, the accessibility of the judicial system, and the strength of the Indian constitution. Concerns about racial discrimination in the USA were also noted. South Korea: 13% highlighted aspects of South Korean society such as the emphasis on public safety, efficient governance, and a culture promoting individual responsibility and collective well-being. They also appreciated the sense of security and trust in public institutions in South Korea. China: 1% felt that political and social freedoms are much greater in China compared to the USA. They highlighted the efficient implementation of policies by the Chinese government, leading to rapid economic development and progress in infrastructure and technology.

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How important is it for you to maintain your connection to your native identity while living in the USA?

Download Complete Report: Click Here Very Important India: 45% consider it very important to maintain their connection to their Indian identity. They stay updated on Indian news, culture, and politics, and celebrate festivals, follow cricket matches, and watch Indian movies. China: 41% consider it very important to maintain their connection to their Chinese identity. They engage in cultural events, prepare traditional dishes, and preserve their linguistic identity through language exchange programs. Most of these students live within the Chinese diaspora in the USA. South Korea: 39% of students emphasized the importance of staying connected to their South Korean identity. They celebrate traditional festivals, participate in cultural events, and maintain culinary traditions, finding solace and belonging through these practices. Somewhat Important India: 31% view maintaining their Indian identity as somewhat important. They stay connected through social media and occasionally follow Indian politics, while also celebrating festivals and language. They balance staying connected with avoiding homesickness. China: 29% view maintaining their Chinese identity as somewhat important. They recognize its significance but prioritize it less than those who find it very important. They maintain connections through social media platforms like WeChat and TikTok. South Korea: 25% find it somewhat important to maintain their South Korean identity. They practice the Korean language through exchange programs, classes, or speaking with family and friends, and stay connected via social media and legacy media. Neutral South Korea: 20% acknowledged the importance of their South Korean identity but did not prioritize it highly. They keep up with news and cultural trends but do not engage deeply in cultural practices. China: 15% expressed neutrality about maintaining their Chinese identity. They do not actively preserve their cultural heritage and linguistic identity. India: 14% expressed neutrality about maintaining their Indian identity. They engage moderately with social media and cultural events, occasionally following Indian politics and cultural happenings. Not Very Important South Korea: 9% found maintaining their South Korean identity not very important. They focus more on adapting to American culture and integrating into the local community. China: 7% indicated that maintaining their Chinese identity is not very important. They focus on assimilating into American culture and do not actively engage in preserving their cultural heritage. India: 6% indicated that maintaining their Indian identity is not very important. They have limited interest in social media connections and do not actively follow events in their home country. Not Important at All China: 8% stated that maintaining their Chinese identity is not important at all. They have fully embraced American culture and do not feel a strong attachment to their cultural heritage. South Korea: 7% considered maintaining their South Korean identity not important at all. They prefer embracing a new identity in the USA and do not find cultural connections crucial to their sense of self or well-being. India: 4% stated that maintaining their Indian identity is not important at all. They have fully assimilated into American culture, with minimal engagement in Indian cultural events or politics.

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How challenging have you found adapting to cultural differences between your home country and the USA?

Download Complete Report: Click Here Very Easy China: 7% of participants found it very easy to adapt to cultural differences between China and the USA. They had prior exposure to diverse cultures, strong language skills, or personal traits that facilitated their adaptation process. India: 6% of participants found it very easy to adapt to cultural differences between India and the USA. They had prior exposure to diverse cultures, strong language skills, and personal traits that facilitated their adaptation process. South Korea: 5% of students felt that adapting to cultural differences was very easy. They mentioned their previous exposure to Western culture through media, travel, or education, which helped them adjust smoothly. They also cited the welcoming and diverse environment in the USA as a factor that eased their transition. Somewhat Easy China: 20% of participants indicated that they found it somewhat easy to adapt to cultural differences between China and the USA. They faced minor challenges but overall found the adjustment process manageable due to their openness to new experiences and willingness to adapt. India: 20% of participants indicated that they found it somewhat easy to adapt to cultural differences between India and the USA. They faced minor challenges but overall found the adjustment process manageable due to their openness to new experiences and willingness to adapt. They also pointed out that a large and helpful Indian diaspora in the USA assisted them in the process. South Korea: 17% of students found the adaptation process somewhat easy. They highlighted the support systems available at universities, such as international student offices and cultural exchange programs, which helped them navigate cultural differences. They also appreciated the openness and friendliness of American peers. Neutral South Korea: 31% of students expressed neutrality regarding the difficulty of adapting to cultural differences. They acknowledged both the challenges and the supports available, feeling that the process was neither particularly difficult nor easy. These students often cited a balanced mix of familiar and unfamiliar cultural aspects that made their experience neutral. India: 24% of participants reported feeling neutral about the challenge of adapting to cultural differences between India and the USA. They did not encounter significant difficulties or differences that stood out during their adaptation process, appreciating the blend of familiar and new experiences in both countries. China: 13% of participants reported feeling neutral about the challenge of adapting to cultural differences between China and the USA. They did not encounter significant difficulties or differences that stood out during their adaptation process. Somewhat Challenging India: 30% of participants found it somewhat challenging to adapt to cultural differences between India and the USA. They faced obstacles such as language nuances, cultural norms, and lifestyle adjustments. Most participants in this category missed their parents and family and found it challenging to accept the new culture. China: 28% of participants found it somewhat challenging to adapt to cultural differences between China and the USA. They encountered obstacles such as language barriers, unfamiliar social norms, and differences in daily routines. Additionally, they faced stereotypes or misconceptions about their culture, which contributed to their sense of challenge. South Korea: 27% of students mentioned finding the cultural adaptation somewhat challenging. They cited difficulties such as language barriers, different social norms, and the high-paced and individualistic nature of American society. These students often missed the communal and hierarchical aspects of South Korean culture and found it hard to adjust to the more informal and egalitarian interactions in the USA. Very Challenging China: 32% of participants reported finding it very challenging to adapt to cultural differences between China and the USA. They experienced significant barriers such as racism and discrimination. These factors heightened their feelings of isolation, stress, and difficulty in integrating into the new cultural environment. India: 20% of participants reported finding it very challenging to adapt to cultural differences between India and the USA. They encountered significant obstacles in navigating unfamiliar social customs, overcoming language barriers, and adjusting to different societal norms, which posed significant challenges to their integration into the new cultural environment. They missed helpful Indians back home and colorful festivals while adapting to the new place. South Korea: 20% of students felt that adapting to cultural differences was very challenging. They cited factors such as racism, stereotypes, and a lack of understanding or acceptance from peers as significant barriers. These students missed the culture and food of South Korea the most. They also struggled with homesickness and the stark contrast in educational and social systems between the two countries.

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How do you foresee studying in the USA impacting your future career compared to studying in your home country?

Download Complete Report: Click Here Significantly Positive China: 27% of respondents expressed optimism regarding the significantly positive impact that studying in the USA could have on their future career prospects. They cited factors such as access to diverse academic programs, advanced research opportunities, and a global network of professionals as contributing factors to their positive outlook. India: 25% of respondents expressed optimism regarding the significantly positive impact that studying in the USA could have on their future career prospects. They cited factors such as access to cutting-edge technologies, diverse career opportunities, and exposure to global markets as contributing factors to their positive outlook. South Korea: 19% of students believed that studying in the USA would have a highly positive impact on their future careers. They highlighted the benefits of access to advanced research facilities, diverse academic programs, and the prestige of American universities. They also appreciated the opportunity to build a global network of professional contacts and gain exposure to innovative practices and ideas. Somewhat Positive South Korea:  37% of students anticipated a somewhat positive impact on their careers. They recognized the advantages of an American education, such as enhanced critical thinking skills and a global perspective. However, they also acknowledged potential challenges, such as adjusting to a different cultural and professional environment. China: 29% of students anticipate a somewhat positive impact on their future careers as a result of studying in the USA. While acknowledging the potential benefits of an American education, they remained cautious about the challenges they face, such as cultural adaptation and competition in the job market. India: 28% of students anticipate a somewhat positive impact on their future careers as a result of studying in the USA. While acknowledging the potential benefits of an American education, they remained cautious about the challenges they face, such as cultural adaptation and competition in the job market. Neutral South Korea: 29% of students felt neutral about the impact of studying in the USA on their future careers. While they acknowledged the quality of education and opportunities available in the USA, they were uncertain about how these factors would translate into tangible career benefits. They believed that career success would depend more on individual effort and adaptability rather than the location of their education. India: 18% of respondents expressed neutrality regarding the impact of studying in the USA on their future careers. They acknowledged the advantages of an American education but remained uncertain about how it would directly translate into their career trajectories. China: 14% of respondents expressed neutrality regarding the impact of studying in the USA on their future careers. They acknowledged the advantages of an American education but remained uncertain about how it would directly translate into their career trajectories. Somewhat Negative China: 20% of students foresee a somewhat negative impact on their future career prospects due to studying in the USA. They expressed concerns about potential challenges such as visa restrictions, cultural barriers, or difficulties in finding employment post-graduation. India: 17% of students foresee a somewhat negative impact on their future career prospects due to studying in the USA. They expressed concerns about potential challenges such as visa restrictions, cultural barriers, or difficulties in finding employment post-graduation. South Korea: 11% of students foresaw a somewhat negative impact on their careers from studying in the USA. They expressed concerns about potential challenges, such as visa restrictions, cultural differences, and difficulties in re-integrating into the South Korean job market. Significantly Negative India: 12% of respondents believe that studying in the USA will have a significantly negative impact on their future career prospects compared to studying in India. They expressed concerns about potential obstacles such as limited job opportunities for international students, visa constraints, and difficulty adjusting to the American work culture. China: 10% of respondents believe that studying in the USA will have a significantly negative impact on their future career prospects compared to studying in China. They expressed concerns about potential obstacles such as racism against Chinese students leading to limited job opportunities, visa constraints, and difficulty integrating into the American workforce. South Korea: 4% of students believed that studying in the USA would have a significantly negative impact on their future careers. They cited reasons such as potential discrimination, the high cost of education, and the fear of not finding suitable employment in the USA or South Korea after graduation. They were concerned that the time and resources invested in an American education might not yield the expected returns.

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From your experience, how would you rate the academic environment in the USA compared to your home country?

Download Complete Report: Click Here Much better in the USA China: 42% of participants rated the academic environment in the USA as much better. They cited factors such as greater academic freedom, more diverse opportunities, and advanced resources as reasons for their preference. India: 39% of participants expressed that they perceive the academic environment in the USA to be significantly superior to that in India. They based this opinion on factors such as better infrastructure, more advanced research facilities, higher quality of education, and greater opportunities for academic and professional growth in the USA. South Korea: 13% of respondents emphasized the diverse range of academic programs, research opportunities, and resources available in American institutions. They appreciated the emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, and interdisciplinary learning in the USA. Somewhat better in the USA China: 25% of participants rated the academic environment in the USA as somewhat better. They acknowledged some advantages in the USA such as more innovative teaching methods or better facilities but didn’t see a substantial difference.  India: 19% of participants indicated that they believe the academic environment in the USA is somewhat better than that in India. While they acknowledge some advantages in the USA, they still see room for improvement or recognize certain strengths in the Indian academic system. South Korea: 15% of respondents acknowledged the strengths of the US academic environment but also recognized areas where improvements could be made, such as affordability and student support services. They appreciated the competitive nature of education in the USA. About the same in both countries South Korea: 47% of respondents viewed the academic environments in the USA and South Korea as comparable. They noted similarities in teaching methodologies, research standards, and academic rigor, recognizing that both countries have strengths and weaknesses in different areas. India: 11% of participants perceive the academic environments in both the USA and India to be relatively similar. They have observed comparable standards of education, research opportunities, or overall academic experiences in both countries. China: 10% of participants felt that the academic environments in both the USA and China were about the same. They noted similarities in the quality of education or academic experiences in both countries. Somewhat better in Home Country India: 18% of participants expressed the opinion that the academic environment in India is somewhat better than that in the USA. They value aspects of the Indian academic system such as cultural familiarity, lower costs of education, or specific strengths in certain academic disciplines. South Korea: 15% of respondents believed that South Korea offers certain advantages in its academic environment, such as a strong emphasis on STEM fields, technological innovation, and rigorous academic standards. They also cited the high global rankings of South Korean universities in certain disciplines. China: 13% of participants rated the academic environment in China as somewhat better. They pointed out aspects such as a stronger emphasis on discipline or more rigorous academic standards as reasons for their preference. Much better in Home Country India: 13% of participants believe that the academic environment in India is significantly superior to that in the USA. They base this opinion on factors such as a preference for Indian teaching methods, closer proximity to family and cultural roots, or better career prospects in the Indian context. China: 10% of participants rated the academic environment in China as much better. They cited reasons such as cultural familiarity, closer relationships with professors, or specific academic strengths in China’s educational system. South Korea: 10% of respondents expressed a preference for the academic environment in South Korea, citing factors such as high-quality education, advanced research facilities, and a culture of academic excellence prevalent in South Korean universities.

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A Critical Survey of the Biggest 5 Economies The Survey Reportika

A Critical Survey of the Biggest 5 Economies: The Survey Reportika

In an ever-evolving world, understanding the pulse of the top economies becomes imperative for comprehending global dynamics. This survey aims to delve into the opinions of individuals residing in the five largest economies by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the United States (USA), China, Japan, Germany, and India – to gauge their sentiments on crucial aspects of governance, democracy, and foreign policy. Introduction to Ij-Reportika’s Survey Series As a new addition to Investigative Journalism Reportika (Ij-Reportika), renowned for its acclaimed investigative reports, this survey marks the inception of “The Survey Reportika” series. Demonstrating our commitment to delivering Vigilant, Visionary, and Varied perspectives, these editions aim to explore public sentiments in the top five economies. Building on the legacy of past successes in investigative journalism, we aspire to provide impactful insights that contribute significantly to ongoing global conversations. “The Survey Reportika” series embodies our dedication to shedding light on critical issues, fostering a deeper understanding of public sentiments, and catalyzing positive changes on a global scale. Stay tuned for thought-provoking analyses and comprehensive reports that will shape discussions in the days to come. Survey Overview Conducted from November 20, 2023, to January 20, 2024, this extensive survey aims to explore the sentiments of 2.4 million participants across the top 5 economies. Utilizing a hybrid approach that blends offline and online methods, the survey ensures diverse representation across genders, religions, and ethnicities. This study is designed to provide a holistic understanding of global perspectives, contributing valuable insights to ongoing conversations on a range of critical issues. Survey Methodology The survey utilized a hybrid methodology, combining online forms hosted on the official Ij-Reportika website and on-the-ground connections facilitated by our reporters. This approach aimed to ensure a thorough and inclusive data collection process, capturing diverse perspectives and experiences. Demographic Focus The study primarily targeted individuals within the 20-45 age group, recognizing this demographic as a key contributor to societal perspectives. Inclusivity was prioritized by encompassing all genders, diverse religious backgrounds, and ethnicities. Time Frame The survey spanned two months from November 20, 2023, to January 20, 2024, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of sentiments. Survey Questions Democracy Governance Foreign Policy Dealing with Smaller States Comparative Analysis Country Wise Reports USA Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston A significant portion of individuals in the United States express dissatisfaction with the state of democracy, with 15.71% marking their discontent as “Dissatisfied” and a staggering 65.83% as “Extremely Dissatisfied.” The primary concern cited by respondents revolves around the unsettling news of election rigging, casting a shadow on the democratic process. Additionally, there is a prevailing sentiment that global forces like Russia and China, fuelled by information spread on social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok, are undermining the United States and its democratic values. The widespread use of AI, deep fakes, morphed videos, and the proliferation of fake news contribute to the erosion of trust in the democratic system. The sophisticated manipulation of digital content raises fears of misinformation and foreign interference, intensifying concerns about the authenticity and reliability of information, further deepening the unease among respondents. This underscores a broader concern about the stability and fairness of the democratic framework in the country. Read the entire report for the entire analysis and statistics : Q. How satisfied are you with overall performance of your government in addressing economic challenges? Results: Despite a seemingly upbeat quarter marked by impressive economic indicators, including low unemployment rates and substantial market gains, the prevailing sentiment among the people of the United States, especially the youth, points to a significant erosion of faith in the Biden administration’s economic governance. The dissatisfaction of 74.69% in the Survey Reportika suggests that factors such as rising gas prices, lingering unemployment concerns, recession forecasts, and apprehensions about growing Chinese influence in U.S. markets have collectively shaped this perception. It’s essential to recognize that public sentiment is nuanced and extends beyond the performance of a single quarter, especially in an election year. The disconnect between macroeconomic figures of this quarter and the everyday economic realities faced by citizens emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive and sustained approach to address concerns and rebuild trust in governance. Read the entire report for the entire analysis and statistics : Country 2: China Cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen In China, the survey reveals an extreme dissatisfaction in sentiments regarding the state of democracy. Only 4.6% of respondents, expressed satisfaction. On the contrary, a significant 93.17% of respondents, including both overseas and those within China, expressed dissatisfaction. Notably, overseas Chinese were more open in expressing their discontent, particularly directed towards the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and single-party system. Conversely, respondents within China, though reluctant, revealed their dissatisfaction. The challenging task of connecting with Chinese residents inside the country required the use of multiple online platforms and the efforts of on-the-ground reporters to facilitate this crucial survey outreach. The survey results in China paint a concerning picture regarding citizens’ perception of government transparency and accountability. Key factors contributing to a substantial 92.63% dissatisfaction include the mysterious disappearance of prominent figures across politics, sports, and business. The government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, recurrent protests, and a noticeable rise in corruption cases, particularly within the police force, were cited as prominent reasons for the overwhelming disagreement. These concerns, meticulously uncovered by Ij-Reportika through its groundbreaking reports in the past, underscore the imperative role of investigative journalism in exposing and addressing critical societal issues. Read the entire report for the entire analysis and statistics : Q. How satisfied are you with the overall performance of your government in addressing social challenges? The survey reveals widespread discontent among Chinese citizens, with 85.76% expressing dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of social challenges. Key grievances include concerns about crime, corruption, and organized crime’s resurgence. Social unrest and protests against unfair treatment, particularly regarding land disputes, have fuelled public disillusionment. Discrimination based on class, regional elitism, and gender inequality persists, despite legal efforts. The survey reveals widespread dissatisfaction in China, with distinct regional…

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