Protests in China against the Bank Run

Over 450 protests in China: No coverage in mainstream media

The number of people’s protests in China is rising alarmingly. Yet, there is little to no coverage in the mainstream media of these protests. China has a massive influence on media houses around the world. Investigative Journalism Reportika presents an in-depth investigative report compiled by our East Asia analyst Jenny Kin Jacobs on “The rising people’s protests in China”.

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crackdown on religion in China

China never misses an opportunity to crack down on Religion

Religious freedom in China is in a state of peril. The primary reason is that Chinese authorities never miss any opportunity to crack down on religion. Over the past year alone, China has detained Muslim for showing their faith, forced Buddhists to pledge allegiance to the ruling Communist Party, and coerced Christian churches to take down their crosses or shut down.

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