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A Critical Survey of the Biggest 5 Economies The Survey Reportika

A Critical Survey of the Biggest 5 Economies: The Survey Reportika

In an ever-evolving world, understanding the pulse of the top economies becomes imperative for comprehending global dynamics. This survey aims to delve into the opinions of individuals residing in the five largest economies by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the United States (USA), China, Japan, Germany, and India – to gauge their sentiments on crucial aspects of governance, democracy, and foreign policy. Introduction to Ij-Reportika’s Survey Series As a new addition to Investigative Journalism Reportika (Ij-Reportika), renowned for its acclaimed investigative reports, this survey marks the inception of “The Survey Reportika” series. Demonstrating our commitment to delivering Vigilant, Visionary, and Varied perspectives, these editions aim to explore public sentiments in the top five economies. Building on the legacy of past successes in investigative journalism, we aspire to provide impactful insights that contribute significantly to ongoing global conversations. “The Survey Reportika” series embodies our dedication to shedding light on critical issues, fostering a deeper understanding of public sentiments, and catalyzing positive changes on a global scale. Stay tuned for thought-provoking analyses and comprehensive reports that will shape discussions in the days to come. Survey Overview Conducted from November 20, 2023, to January 20, 2024, this extensive survey aims to explore the sentiments of 2.4 million participants across the top 5 economies. Utilizing a hybrid approach that blends offline and online methods, the survey ensures diverse representation across genders, religions, and ethnicities. This study is designed to provide a holistic understanding of global perspectives, contributing valuable insights to ongoing conversations on a range of critical issues. Survey Methodology The survey utilized a hybrid methodology, combining online forms hosted on the official Ij-Reportika website and on-the-ground connections facilitated by our reporters. This approach aimed to ensure a thorough and inclusive data collection process, capturing diverse perspectives and experiences. Demographic Focus The study primarily targeted individuals within the 20-45 age group, recognizing this demographic as a key contributor to societal perspectives. Inclusivity was prioritized by encompassing all genders, diverse religious backgrounds, and ethnicities. Time Frame The survey spanned two months from November 20, 2023, to January 20, 2024, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of sentiments. Survey Questions Democracy Governance Foreign Policy Dealing with Smaller States Comparative Analysis Country Wise Reports USA Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston A significant portion of individuals in the United States express dissatisfaction with the state of democracy, with 15.71% marking their discontent as “Dissatisfied” and a staggering 65.83% as “Extremely Dissatisfied.” The primary concern cited by respondents revolves around the unsettling news of election rigging, casting a shadow on the democratic process. Additionally, there is a prevailing sentiment that global forces like Russia and China, fuelled by information spread on social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok, are undermining the United States and its democratic values. The widespread use of AI, deep fakes, morphed videos, and the proliferation of fake news contribute to the erosion of trust in the democratic system. The sophisticated manipulation of digital content raises fears of misinformation and foreign interference, intensifying concerns about the authenticity and reliability of information, further deepening the unease among respondents. This underscores a broader concern about the stability and fairness of the democratic framework in the country. Read the entire report for the entire analysis and statistics : Q. How satisfied are you with overall performance of your government in addressing economic challenges? Results: Despite a seemingly upbeat quarter marked by impressive economic indicators, including low unemployment rates and substantial market gains, the prevailing sentiment among the people of the United States, especially the youth, points to a significant erosion of faith in the Biden administration’s economic governance. The dissatisfaction of 74.69% in the Survey Reportika suggests that factors such as rising gas prices, lingering unemployment concerns, recession forecasts, and apprehensions about growing Chinese influence in U.S. markets have collectively shaped this perception. It’s essential to recognize that public sentiment is nuanced and extends beyond the performance of a single quarter, especially in an election year. The disconnect between macroeconomic figures of this quarter and the everyday economic realities faced by citizens emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive and sustained approach to address concerns and rebuild trust in governance. Read the entire report for the entire analysis and statistics : Country 2: China Cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen In China, the survey reveals an extreme dissatisfaction in sentiments regarding the state of democracy. Only 4.6% of respondents, expressed satisfaction. On the contrary, a significant 93.17% of respondents, including both overseas and those within China, expressed dissatisfaction. Notably, overseas Chinese were more open in expressing their discontent, particularly directed towards the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and single-party system. Conversely, respondents within China, though reluctant, revealed their dissatisfaction. The challenging task of connecting with Chinese residents inside the country required the use of multiple online platforms and the efforts of on-the-ground reporters to facilitate this crucial survey outreach. The survey results in China paint a concerning picture regarding citizens’ perception of government transparency and accountability. Key factors contributing to a substantial 92.63% dissatisfaction include the mysterious disappearance of prominent figures across politics, sports, and business. The government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, recurrent protests, and a noticeable rise in corruption cases, particularly within the police force, were cited as prominent reasons for the overwhelming disagreement. These concerns, meticulously uncovered by Ij-Reportika through its groundbreaking reports in the past, underscore the imperative role of investigative journalism in exposing and addressing critical societal issues. Read the entire report for the entire analysis and statistics : Q. How satisfied are you with the overall performance of your government in addressing social challenges? The survey reveals widespread discontent among Chinese citizens, with 85.76% expressing dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of social challenges. Key grievances include concerns about crime, corruption, and organized crime’s resurgence. Social unrest and protests against unfair treatment, particularly regarding land disputes, have fuelled public disillusionment. Discrimination based on class, regional elitism, and gender inequality persists, despite legal efforts. The survey reveals widespread dissatisfaction in China, with distinct regional…

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One of the biggest rebellions in the history of China

From Lhasa and Xinjiang to Beijing and Shanghai, protests have erupted across China in a rare show of dissent against the ruling Communist Party (CCP) sparked by anger over the country’s increasingly tormenting zero-Covid policy. The protests have taken the shape of a colossal rebellion with no parallels in the history of China. As numbers surged at demonstrations in multiple major cities over the weekend, so too have the range of grievances voiced – with some calling for greater democracy and freedom. Now the rebellion has spread from some major cities to the hinterland. Hundreds of protesters have even called for the removal of Chinese leader Xi Jinping, who for nearly three years has overseen a strategy of mass testing, brute-force lockdowns, enforced quarantine, and digital tracking that has come at a devastating human and economic cost. Here is the timeline of the events that have taken place in China since the announcement of the 20th Party Congress of the CPC in October. Sitong Bridge protest by Peng Lifa Date: 13 October 2022Place : Northwestern Haidian district A solitary protestor hung two banners calling for Xi Jinping to be removed from office and exhorting the populace to “Be citizens, not slaves,” an extremely rare act of overt political defiance on the eve of the 20th Party Congress. Peng Lifa hung the banners from the busy Sitong Bridge in Beijing’s northwestern Haidian district and lit a fire in an apparent bid to draw attention. Police later removed the banners. The red and white hand-lettered banner at left read: “We want food, not COVID tests; reform, not Cultural Revolution. We want freedom, not lockdowns; elections, not rulers. We want dignity, not lies. Be citizens, not slaves.” The banner at right read: “Boycott classes. Boycott work. Depose the traitorous despot Xi Jinping.” Peng Lifa The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Date: 16 October 2022Place: Beijing The CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping secured an unprecedented third term as China’s top leader at the Congress. This was considered one of the major triggers for the rebellion by many experts The Tibetan protests in Lhasa Date: 26 October 2022Center of the Protest: Lhasa Angry residents in Tibet’s capital Lhasa took to the streets to protest the harsh COVID-19 lockdown that Chinese authorities have imposed on them for more than three months. They were the first major protests in the city since the 2008 Tibetan Uprising. Videos obtained by Ij-Reportika show scores of protesters on the streets. A daytime video shows people mostly standing or milling about, with officials in white protective suits standing nearby. In two nighttime videos, crowds and cars block a large street and the crowd surges forward while raising their voices. The Zhengzhou Labor Crisis Date:  27 October 2022Center of the Protest: Zhengzhou As lockdowns returned to Zhengzhou, thousands of laborers working in Foxconn (China’s largest Apple iPhone manufacturer), fled the factory in China’s central province of Henan due to the lack of food and medical care. Guangzhou Protest Date:  15 November 2022 till nowCenter of the protest: the Haizhu district  As lockdowns returned to Guangzhou in early November, residents of the Haizhu district marched in the streets at night, breaking through metal barriers and demanding an end to the lockdown. Zhengzhou Labor Uprising Date: 22 November 2022 till nowCenter of the protest: Zhengzhou  A labor uprising over COVID-19 restrictions and contract violations by Apple at Foxconn’s iPhone factory in central China unfolded in Zhengzhou. #LaborUprisingInChina trended for hours in many parts of the world on 23rd November 2022. People on social media showed sympathy towards the suffering laborers at the Foxconn iPhone factory. Laborers and workers at Foxconn’s Zhengzhou factory held protests on the factory campus, where they have had to stay since a closed-loop system was announced to counter the spread of COVID-19 without compromising productivity under the Zero Covid policy. Lone protest in Chongqing Date: 23 November 2022Place:  Chongqing  Lone protest in Chongqing where a single man criticized the handling of COVID by the Chinese government. He criticized the Zero Covid enforcers and also held the policy responsible for skyrocketing prices of vegetables in Chongqing. The surrounding residents repeatedly applauded the man for raising his voice. “there is only one disease in the world, that is, not having freedom and poverty. Now we have both of them in #Chongqing. We are still struggling with a small cold.”  The man shouted The police wanted to use violence to arrest the man away and the man shouted “Help me”. Then the residents forcibly rescued the man from the police and cheered each other to send him away. The man was dubbed online as the “Chongqing hero”. Ürümqi fire and protests Date: 24 November 2022 till nowCenter of the protest: Urumqi  On 24 November 2022, a fire in a building in Ürümqi killed 44 people and wounded many in a residential area under lockdown. The Xinjiang region had already been in strict lockdown for three months at that point. During this time, videos and images circulated on Chinese social media showed people unable to purchase basic necessities such as food and medicine. People accused the lockdown measures around the building on fire of preventing firefighters from being able to reach the building in time, while others expressed anger at the government’s response, which seemed to victim blame those who managed to escape the fire. On 25 November, people in Ürümqi marched in the streets in protest, demanding an end to the harsh lockdown measures. Huge protests started in the entire Xinjiang post this incident. Shanghai Protests Date: 24 November 2022 till nowCenter of the protest: Shanghai on Ürümqi Road Videos showed chants openly criticizing Xi Jinping’s administration, with hundreds chanting “Step down, Xi Jinping! Step down, Communist Party!” Chants of people of Shanghai Videos circulating on social media also show the crowd facing police chanting slogans such as “serve the people,” “we want freedom” and “we don’t want the Health Code”. Some people sang the national anthem, “March of the Volunteers”,…

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Massive Protests in Guangzhou against the inhumane ZeroCovid Restrictions  

Situated on the Pearl River, Guangzhou in South East China has a maritime heritage stretching back over 2,000 years and its vast port is China’s main transport and trading hub. It was also one of the starting points of the old Silk Road, a trading route that stretched across Asia. But presently, a severe livelihood crisis has been unfolding in Guangzhou. Due to a strict lockdown and imposition of the Zero Covid policy, the life of the residents has become miserable. Reeling from the livelihood crisis people started peaceful protests in the city. Due to restrictions not getting relaxed people in the city are starving and facing the burnt of lack of basic amenities. Therefore they started massive violent protests all around the city. Crowds in Guangzhou have crashed through lockdown barriers and marched onto the streets in a rare outburst of public anger. Videos posted on social media showed people overturning a police vehicle in the Haizhu district late on Monday. “People were driving crazy, they were hungry, they were desperate for a normal life.. Please give back our lives”. A Guangzhou resident under anonymity told Ij-Reportika The authorities are trying to curb the protests with the use of force and outright violation of human rights. Around 15 people are reported missing after the Monday protests and several have been killed across the metropolis. Furthermore, In Haizhu District, Guangzhou, where the protests occurred, the 74th Group Army’s chemical defense regiment has been called upon to handle the protesting people. Guangzhou, home to nearly 19 million people, has been the center of Covid outbreaks in China, with the number of cases surging in recent days. Daily infections of Covid-19 in the city have topped 5,000 for the first time, leading to speculation that localized lockdowns could widen and the number of such violent protests and their intensity may escalate in the coming days. Several posts on China’s social media platform Weibo blamed the protesters, who were mainly migrant workers from Hubei province, for the “rioting”, but many users noted that the arbitrary lockdowns of residences and the barring of migrant workers from returning home in the protracted Covid restrictions over almost three years were “driving people mad” and said some workers had killed themselves. Many Weibo users and overseas Chinese on social media are sharing panic posts and the number of suicides in the region is on the rise. The Communist party’s mouthpiece People’s Daily on Tuesday reiterated that the “dynamic zero Covid” policy was to be “unswervingly implemented”, saying the “enhancement” announced last Friday was to fine-tune measures to fight against the pandemic, and not an indication of relaxation.

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Zhejiang Protests

Again a protest and again a suppression in China

Chinese customers opened accounts at six rural banks in Henan and neighboring Anhui province that offered higher interest rates in large numbers. They later found they could not withdraw their funds after media reports that the head of the banks’ parent company was on the run and wanted for financial crimes. There were several protests in the region due to this, especially in the Henan province. On the 2nd of September, 2022, protests erupted again in China when the Zhejiang depositors realized that their life savings are stolen by the bank. When they tried to protest at the bank, SWAT police smashed them down, according to various locals. The people were forcefully dispersed, and the protest was crushed without any justice when they were sitting outside the Nanjing Bank in protest. Soon after this, there was another city, another protest, and another crackdown in China. It was the turn of Wuhan where people protested against the misery they were facing due to the never-ending lockdowns and strict restrictions on their movement. Thousands of people gathered and tried to raise their voices in the night. The result was more or less the same as in Zhejiang. The police forces came and brutally smashed people to disperse them There were not the first instances of suppression of protest in China. There have been over 450 protests this year that we have covered in our detailed investigative report. Source: https://twitter.com/Byron_Wan https://twitter.com/songpinganq/status/1566107568136912897 https://twitter.com/Inty/status/1565550544067760128

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The Ruthless animal cruelty by the TCM proponents

The Ruthless animal cruelty by the TCM proponents Despite bold international statements from the Chinese Government on the need to protect global biodiversity, China continues to be one of the world’s top importers and consumers of trafficked wildlife. The Ruthless animal cruelty by the Traditional Chinese Medicines(TCM) is one of the glaring example of the same. A miserable Bear living in an iron cage, throughout its life, with tubes inserted in its bladder Decimated Crocodiles and Donkeys skinned alive mercilessly A dismal Rhinoceros with its horn chopped off A chained Tiger with its teeth pulled out, skin peeled off, and bones smashed and collected A ravaged Pangolin with its scales scratched off and killed most brutally. A shattered Elephant with its skin peeled and tusk plucked off. This is not an excerpt from a dark fiction novel but a reality of how TCM is wreaking havoc on wildlife and biodiversity. These animals and their parts are used in various TCM formulations. Thus, they are chained, bruised, killed, poached illegally, bred in captivity, and ravaged by the specialists of TCM to make medicines for human welfare!! This is the second article in the series of investigative reports on Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM). It is compiled by Adam Dlamini. He uncovers some of the darkest secrets on how TCM is obliterating the world’s biodiversity by asserting it as a panacea. Let’s first take a look at the various uses of these animals in the TCM formulations. Tiger bones are used to treat arthritis and joint ailments. IUCN estimates that just under 4,000 Tigers are left in the wild and classify them as endangered. Rhinoceros horn is used to treat fever and delirium. Black Rhino, Diceros bicornis, is listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List with just over 2000 left in Kenya, Tanzania, Cameroon, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Angola. Bear bile is used to treat liver ailments and headaches. Seahorses are used in TCM health tonics. Similarly, the ivory of Elephants is used for sore throats and their skin to treat ulcers and wounds. The results of scientific trials of such medicines by independent researchers however showed that they are not as effective as they are claimed to be and often result in severe and even fatal Adverse Drug Reactions. Read this in the first part of this investigative report series on TCM. The most horrifying aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicines is the TCM Farms. They are huge farms in which specific animals are kept in heart-wrenching conditions to make TCMs. There are TCM farms for various animals like bears, rhinos, crocodiles, lions, tigers, civets, bamboo rats, porcupines, and snakes.  Animals like Bears are subjected to intense pain for many years on these farms to extract bile for TCM concoctions. The extraction of bear bile from live bears causes unimaginable physical and psychological suffering and long-term health problems. They are not only present in China but gaining a strong foothold in countries like South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Kenya. More than 300 farms and wildlife parks and reserves in South Africa are believed to be breeding lions to be slaughtered for their skeletons to be used in the TCMs. In South Africa alone, 33 wild animals, including lions, cheetahs, several antelope species, giraffes, zebras, and black and white rhinos, have been reclassified as farm animals, according to Africa Geographic. This was supposedly done to expedite the process of setting up TCM farms in South Africa. The second most troubling aspect of the TCM related to biodiversity destruction is the Illegal Wildlife Trade(IWT) in African countries. TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade monitoring network, reported that 96 million individual Abalones worth nearly $900 million have been illegally poached off South Africa’s shores in the past 17 years.  Nearly all of the large sea snails were sent to China and Hong Kong. Since 2010, 50% of lion product seizures involving Mozambique were destined for China. The routes of illegal Rhino and seahorse trafficking invariably include China as the destination.  According to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2020, there is an alarming 65% decline in the population sizes of mammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles in Africa over the years. The illegal Wildlife Trade is one of the primary reasons for this decline. A report by USAID titled ‘In Plane Sight: Wildlife Trafficking in the Air Transport Sector’ analyzed global airport seizures of wildlife and wildlife products from 2009 to 2017 and came out with the data plotted on the maps above. The source of most of the illegal wildlife trade was African countries and the destination invariably was China. A recent seizure at the Hong Kong port revealed the destination of illegally poached Pangolins, the most trafficked wild animal in the world, from African Shores to China. Pangolins and other such endangered animals face the threat of extinction due to illegal poaching and trade. Cameroon, Nigeria, and Gabon emerged as the main centers of poaching and export of Pangolins, specifically the White Bellied Pangolins.  In the World Wildlife Crime Report, the UN Office for Drugs and Crime concluded that 71% of Pangolin scale seizures that took place between 2007-2018 were destined for China. The illegal Wildlife Trade at such an unprecedented scale has no other parallel in human history. China has issued a series of laws to conserve its biodiversity, including the Wild Animal Protection Law, Forest Law, Grassland Law, Animal Husbandry Law, and Law on the Quarantine of Import and Export of Animals and Plants. It has established over 10,000 Protected Natural Areas (PNAs) accounting for about 18% of China’s total land area. Effectively, it has managed to stop the exploitation of its biodiversity for the sake of TCMs and started to explore other countries for the same and the primary target of such exploitation is the African countries with vibrant biodiversity. China also conducts trials of such medicines on people of countries like Pakistan without proper precautions and often presents misleading results to boost TCM exports and acceptance.  China through illegal wildlife trade (IWT) and TCM Farms has destroyed biodiversity many folds for its financial benefits and to boost its soft power. Meanwhile, it has managed to safeguard its biodiversity. It has gained acceptance through questionable trials and dubious research, and that is ruining biodiversity even further.  The “Healthy China 2030” plan estimates that the value of the TCM market may reach 5 trillion RMB by 2030 ($737.9 billion). This huge estimate explains the magnitude to which TCMs can harm biodiversity in the years to come. This is thus an issue of injustice against which animal rights activists, animal lovers, environment enthusiasts, and conservationists should raise their voices to prevent further damage…

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crackdown on religion in China

China never misses an opportunity to crack down on Religion

Religious freedom in China is in a state of peril. The primary reason is that Chinese authorities never miss any opportunity to crack down on religion. Over the past year alone, China has detained Muslim for showing their faith, forced Buddhists to pledge allegiance to the ruling Communist Party, and coerced Christian churches to take down their crosses or shut down.

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Protests in China against the Bank Run

Protests in China against the Bank Run

Chinese customers opened accounts at six rural banks in Henan and neighboring Anhui province that offered higher interest rates in large numbers. They later found they could not withdraw their funds after media reports that the head of the banks’ parent company was on the run and wanted for financial crimes. “We came today and wanted to get our savings back, because I have elderly people and children at home, and the inability to withdraw savings has seriously affected my life,” said a woman from Shandong province, who only gave her last name. local resident Zhang China heavily misused the COVID-19 tracking app. Many who set out for Zhengzhou to demand action from regulators found that their health status on the application had turned red, preventing them from traveling. Some reported being questioned by police after checking into their hotel about why they had come to the city. Five Zhengzhou officials were later punished. The protesters assembled before dawn on Sunday in front of the People’s Bank of China building in Zhengzhou. Police closed off the street and by 8 a.m. had started massing on the other side. The events were similar to the events that took place during the Tiananmen Square Massacre. The police then announced to the protesters from a vehicle with a megaphone that they were an illegal assembly and would be detained and fined if they didn’t leave. Around 10 a.m., the men in T-shirts rushed the crowd and dispersed them. The witnesses said they saw women dragged down the stairs of the bank entrance. Police was brutal in its ways to crush the protests. A protestor Yang said he was hit by two security officers including one who had fallen off the stairs and mistakenly thought in the chaos that Yang had hit or pushed him. “Although repeated protests and demonstrations don’t necessarily have a big impact, I think it is still helpful if more people get to know about us, and understand or sympathize with us,” Yang said. “Each time you do it, you might make a difference. Although you will get hit, they can’t really do anything to you, right?” The protesters were bused to various sites where they were forced to sign a letter guaranteeing they would not gather anymore. They were beaten and thrashed mercilessly. Ironically, since Chinese media are banned from conducting independent reports about the Henan bank crisis, Chinese netizens are flooding the comment section of the US embassy’s Weibo account, asking American media to cover the case. Several videos of the protests are going on the social media of the protests in China. The horrific state of affairs is similar to those happened in the Tiananmen Square. Image/Videos Credit: Byron Wan

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HH Dalai Lama

The struggle for a free Tibet and His Highness Dalai Lama

His Holiness Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Cause along with Panchen Lama and Tibet’s oppression is being investigated in this report at length. The 14th His Holiness Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, turns 87 on July 6th, 2022. He was Born on 6 July 1935, or in the Tibetan calendar, in the Wood-Pig Year, 5th month, 5th day. He is known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan people, is the current Dalai Lama, the highest spiritual leader and former head of state of Tibet….

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