About US

Investigative Journalism
Reportika About Us |

Our mission is to expose government, business, and other institutions’ abuses of power and betrayals of the public’s trust while utilising the moral force of investigative journalism to encourage reform by persistently bringing attention to wrongdoing.

Since 2021

We started our operations in December 2021.

89 Experts

We’re super proud of our diverse and talented team.

23 Countries

Our on-ground reporters are present in 23 countries

Our Mission

To reveal abuse of authority and betrayals of public confidence by government, enterprises, and other institutions, using the honest force of investigative journalism. Our mission is to present authentic and accurate investigative reports on issues that most media houses won’t even dare to speak about.

Our team is driven by your success. Every single day, we’ll support your business and help you to succeed.

Our History

We started our operations in December 2021 and started the website in March 2022 from New York in the United States of America. Presently we have a presence in 23 major economies of the world.

Our Promise

Ij-Reportika.com is a nonprofit news organization that seeks to empower citizens by informing and educating them. Whether reporting on the criminal justice system, public education funding, prisons, public corruption, political cronyism, generational poverty, health woes, drug abuse, suppression of protests, racial disparities, or a host of other issues, Investigative Journalism Reportika won’t shy away from its responsibility of presenting most authentic news reports to its readers.

Our Team Members

Josephine Coy

Josephine Coy

Managing Director
Jenny Kin Jacobs

Jenny Kin Jacobs

Chief Content Officer
Chenxi Liu

Chenxi Liu

News Curator

*Our team works on stories that are pathbreaking and highly sensitive, therefore we have reduced the social media presence to the minimum. However, you can get in touch with us on the Ij-Reportika social media handles, company e-mail, and contact form.

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