Investigative Reports

China’s Soft Power Propaganda Network

An in-depth investigation into China's Soft Power Propaganda Network, exploring how state-run media outlets like CGTN, Xinhua News Agency, and…

2 weeks ago

Experiences & Aspirations of Foreign Students in the USA

Experiences and perspectives of students from China, India, and South Korea studying in universities across the United States of America.

3 months ago

Smuggling of the deadly Synthetic opioid FENTANYL

An investigative report on Fentanyl production, smuggling, its impacts on health and on geopolitics of the world.

6 months ago

The Geopolitical Weaponization of Maps by China

The investigative report by Ij-Reportika aims to scrutinize the contentious matter of Chinese maps throughout history.

6 months ago

A Critical Survey of the Biggest 5 Economies: The Survey Reportika

A critical Survey of the Biggest 5 economies of the world viz the USA, China, Japan, Germany and India titled…

8 months ago

The Dark Side of the Chinese Loan Applications

This exposé by Ij-Reportika uncovers the unsettling realities concealed beneath the seemingly innocuous facade of Chinese Loan Applications.

9 months ago

The Crouching Tiger or the Hidden Dragon: Chinese Influence Ops in the Philippines

Chinese influence operations in the Philippines are categorized as overt "crouching tiger" and covert "hidden dragon".

10 months ago

Nepal to ban TikTok Due to Social Discord

The Nepal government decided to ban TikTok, the Chinese-owned app, citing its adverse effects on social harmony.

10 months ago

The UNESCO Unveiled

Report on China's influence on UNESCO which has raised concerns about the objectivity and independence of UNESCO's decision-making processes.

1 year ago

The BRI Status: A Grand Report on Its Present and Future

BRI's impact on several nations has only recently become apparent. This has been thoroughly explored in this report THE STAUS…

1 year ago

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